Standing Yoga poses help to improve the stretching, flexibility, strengthening of back, shoulder, and leg muscles. Also beneficial for those who work long hours in sitting positions and they got stiffness or pain in the back. Anyone can do these asanas with some precautions. Now these yoga asanas and pranayama become a part of modern yoga and in this lifestyle, it’s necessary to do yoga on a regular basis.
Tadasana is the standing pose and usually the standing pose of every stand asanas. But Tadasana has its own benefits on a daily basis and try to keep the stand in 30 seconds at least.
Steps to do Tadasana
- Stand straight on your mat and take the little gap between your feet.
- Now inhale and raise up your both arms above the head by interlocking your fingers.
- Now raise your toes and stretch your arms.
- Keep your arms and legs straight and retain your breath.
- Exhale while lowering the arms and toe.
- Come back to a normal position then repeat this 4-5 times.
Benefits of Tadasana
- Help to increase Height.
- Open the muscles of your arms and legs.
- Activate the nerves of the entire body.
- Develop physical and mental balance.
Avoid: Pregnant women should avoid this asana
2. Vrikshasana
Vrikshasana or tree pose is the pose of maintaining balance itself in the form of asana.
Steps to do Vrikshasana :
- Stand Erect.
- Bend your right knee and place the right foot on your left thigh.
- The left leg should be straight. Try to keep and maintain the balance in the position.
- Now inhale and raise your hands over the head in the namaste Mudra.
- Keep your back straight, hand straight, Try to maintain balance at least 30 seconds, and keep your eyes open.
- Now exhale and lower your hands back to the normal position.
- Do the same steps with the left leg.
- Repeat this asana 3 – 4 times.
Benefits of Vrikshasana
- Improve stability and balance in the body.
- Improve strength in your body, knees become stronger, feet become stronger.
- Makes you flexible and improves patience.
- Help to increase concentration.
Avoid: Migraine and Insomnia patients.
3. TrikonAsana
Trikonasana is a part of the standing pose in yoga.
Steps to do Trikonasana:
- Stand straight and keep 3 feet distance in your leg.
- Extend both arms at the shoulder level.
- Inhale and raise the left arm by the side of your head.
- Exhale while bending the right arm, take care not to bring the body forwards. Hold the breath for a second.
- Return to the upright position with the arms in a straight line.
- Repeat on the other side.
- Practice 8-10 rounds.
Benefits of Trikonasana
- Give strength to your back, legs, knees, abdominal and neck.
- help to stretches the leg, hips, calves, and spine.
- Increase energy levels.
Avoid: Patients who suffer from lower back not practice this.
4. Kati Chakrasana Standing Spinal Twist
Kati chakrasan is the asana to rotate your waist which makes your waist flexible and strong.
Steps to do Kati Chakrasana
- Stand erect, keep your feet together.
- Stretch your hands to the front, palms facing each other.
- Keep distance in your legs equivalent to your shoulder.
- Now inhale first and then while exhaling twist your hand and waist to right and look at your right.
- Slowly come back to the center.
- Then repeat this to the left side.
- Slowly come back to the center.
- Repeat the whole process 10 -15 times.
Benefits of Kati Chakrasana
- Help to increase flexibility to your waist and hands
- Good for lower back
- Good for opening muscles
- Good for relieving constipation
- People who have hernia problems, slip discs, or recent abdominal surgery avoids this.
- If anyone has cervical issues and spondylitis problems then not move your neck to back.
- Pregnant women don’t do this
So all these are standing pose yoga asana. Everyone should do these asanas daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Yoga is always beneficial for health to keep your body fit and give peace to your mind. Add yoga to your daily routine.